Real Life GIANT Construction Equipment for Kids
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Join "Hard Hat Harry" -- the construction worker's genie -- and his young friends, Max and Alex, as they travel to major construction sites to see masive machinery in action. Just a little sprinkle with magic gravel -- and away you'll go!In this hour-long, thrill-packed adventure, you'll not only see more than 40 pieces of construction equipment on the job, but how they work together on actual construction sites. These monster machines even talk!Kids get a close-up look at colossal cranes, bruising bull-dozers, dirty dump trucks, plus asphalt pavers, asphalt drillers, brucket trucks, steam rollers, backhoes, tower cranes, mine drillers, concrete pumpers, street sweepers, forklifts, blasting with dynamite, and so much more!Educational and truckloads of fun, this is an exciting video that inspires new and imaginative play ideas for your children's own construction toys. Kids from age 3-10 are fascinated by the rugged sights and roaring sounds of awesome construction equipment, and in this 60-minute, hard-quality video, they'll have a great time! So put on your hard hat, fastener your work belt, and get ready for really BIG entertainment!

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